Enrollment is full for the spring (april-may) term
Waitlists are only to be used for when a class is full. The waitlist places you in line for any openings from people that drop out or need to defer their class to another session.
Tuition is $485 per semester which 8 weeks long. A $100 deposit holds your spot for a class.
Tuition deposits are refundable anytime before a class fills .After a class fills deposits are refunded if or when we are able to fill the spot from our waitlist. so If you sign up for a class and can no longer take the class reach out to us ASAP .
The remainder of tuition ($385) due upon the first class.
Class enrollment release dates:
Winter ( jan-mar ) november 1st of the previous year
Spring ( april-may) feb 1st
summer ( july-aug) may 1st
fall ( oct-dec) Aug 1st
spring class schedule
Monday eve (beginner) 3/31-5/19
Mondays(intermediate) 6-9pm 3/31-5/19
Tuesdays(beginner) 6-9pm 4/1-5/20
Tuesday eve gold class 4/1-5/20
Wednesday(intermediate)6-9pm 4/2-5/21
Wednesday eve wax/casting 4/2-5/21
Thursday(intermediate)6-9pm 4/3-5/22
Thursday wax/casting 4/3-5/22
Friday(intermediate) 4/4-5/22
All classes are 8 weeks total tuition includes all the tools ,supplies , and base metal(brass, bronze or copper) you will need to get started . precious metals are available to purchase at affordable prices. most people spend about $30-$50 in silver and stones in a beginner class. but this varies of course.. gold price is based on market price.